Designing, reconstruction and overhaul of hydraulic systems.
Production of hydraulic cylinders, hoses, aggregates, pipelines, presses and blocks.

About Us





We offer solution to each problem that you might encounter with hydraulic systems or installations.

HIDRA HP from Zrenjanin is a leader in hydraulic systems designing as well as reconstructing and overhauling of the old ones. Due to our technical equipment and qualified employees, we successfully justify the word leader. Apart from designing, we have the production of hydraulic aggregates, cylinders, hoses, pipelines, presses, and blocks.

SERVICES we offer

Hydraulic systems designing

Hydraulic systems designing and producing

Projektni kapaciteti naše firme ogledaju se u tome što imamo projektni kadar koji je radio na projektovanju…

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Diagnostic of hydraulic system condition

Diagnostic of hydraulic system condition

Dijagnostika se uglavnom vrši Parkerovim prenosivim uređajem SKIT-340 PTQ koji meri pritiske, protok, temperaturu…

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Overhaul of hydraulic components

Overhaul of hydraulic components

Remont podrazumeva segment posle dijagnostičke analize sistema ili određene komponente.

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Why to



Modern measuring equipment

Hidra HP owns the latest equipment in the fields of hydraulic parameters diagnostic as well as condition of hydraulic working fluid.

Team of top engineers

Advantage of Hidra HP company is team of 6 experts, mechanical engineers specialized in various areas of mechanical profession.

Quick response to intervention

Our means of transport consists of five official vehicles with five service teams who are able to set off within 60 minutes after the call.

Quick problem solving

Thanks to the latest equipment and qualified engineers we are capable of quick problem solving concerning hydraulic installations.



Hydraulic aggregates

HIDRA HP designs and makes hydraulic aggregates up to flow of Q=1000 l/min, installed power over 500 KW...


Hydraulic cylinders

HIDRA HP designs and makes new hydraulic cylinders up to diameter ϕ 500 [mm] and lenght 4 [m].